
Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

What most search but miss-typed miss-spelled keywords ?

String = Strnig Stirng Strning Stinrg.
Friendster = Frinedster Frindster Freindster Ferinster Feirnster Frendster Fridnster Friednster Fridnster.
Frienstar Frenistr Frienstr Freinster Freidnstr Firesnter Freinstr Freisdnter.
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Song lyrics = song lirycs song lyrycs song lirics song lyriks song lyircs lirysc lyrisc lyrcis.
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earn = eanr enar aern eran earn money.
programs = porgrams pograms proggrams porgarms progams porgsma progrma.
files = fiels foles fiel felis felsi.
cars = cras casr cra arcs.

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2007

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Frindster Layouts - Beautiful Kelly Smiles at Me !

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